Monday 9 September 2013

Tom Gates by Liz Pichon



     The Brilliant World of  Tom Gates    

Tom Gates is a fascinating series of books.  All of the books hook you in and make you want to read more.


The first book, The Brilliant World of Tom Gates starts off by introducing you to Tom and his mate Derek.  They have started a band which will get mentioned in later books.  Read on to find out about more adventures of Tom Gates.


Tom Gates Excellent Excuses (and other good stuff)

The illustrations in Tom Gates books are phenomenal!  They are so hard to draw and have lots of details which show you about the story and what he is thinking.  Tom Gates just thinks of random ideas and makes them into tremendous drawings.

His Granny and Grandad, The Fossils come round sometimes and Granny cooks awfully badly but once there was something very nice - fish biscuits.  Read on to find out more about the life of Tom Gates.






Tom Gates Everything's Amazing (sort of)

In Everything's Amazing, Tom Gates maths teacher is called Mrs Worthington.  He has a joke with Derek and calls her Mrs Worthingtash. 


Derek and Tom are best friends and next door neighbours.  They go round to each others houses often.  Tom takes round caramel wafers and a few other types of biscuits.  Read the book to find out more about their friendship.


Tom Gates Genius Ideas (mostly)

Genies ideas is a flip book and down in the right hand corner is an ant who twirls around and plays the guitar.  Derek and Tom are fans of Dude3 their favourite band.


Tom Gates Best Book Day Ever (so far)

With only 96 pages it is the shortest book in the Tom Gates collection but still a magnificent

book.  Tom Gates sister Delia once had a wild party when he and his parents went away.  Now she is not allowed to stay at home on her own.  "Ha ha" said Tom.



                                       Tom Gates Absolutely Fantastic (at some things)

In the supermarket Tom Gates found a school friend, Amy Porter.  His Mum had told him to get a massive toilet roll packet.  It was so big he couldn't see over it.  Tom accidentally put it in Amy Porter's trolley.  To fond out what happens next you are going to have to read the book.

Tom Gates Extra Special Treats (not)

You'll have to wait until October 17th 2013 to read the latest Tom Gates book.







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